Forest Service Taking Wood Energy Innovation Applications

The U.S. Forest Service is currently accepting applications for wood and wood bioenergy innovation grants. Announced in late October, the agency has approximately $10 million in funding available through the 2021 Wood Innovations Grant and the 2021 Community Wood Energy and Wood Innovation Grant. The grants seek to support local economies through wood products and wood energy innovations while reducing hazardous fuels and improving forest health.

According to FS officials, the Wood Innovations Grant program has a long track record of success and seeks to strengthen emerging markets for innovative wood products such as mass timber and cross-laminated timber. Eligible projects should increase wood products manufacturing capacity, strengthen markets that support forest ecosystem restoration and develop commercial facilities for wood biomass and wood products, among others. The application for 2021 Wood Innovations Grants closes in January. Meanwhile, the Community Wood Energy and Wood Innovation Grant program aims to support forest health by expanding renewable wood energy use and innovative manufacturing for wood products. The application period closes in February.


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